Top 10 Kitchen Cleaning Tips

Top 10 Kitchen Cleaning Tips

Cleaning kitchen stoves and countertops is very difficult and stubborn grease and food particles sticking to it are difficult to remove. The money you spend to buy some expensive products to clean your kitchen and hope that the product will make your kitchen easier to clean and remove those stubborn grease and food particles from your kitchen appliances. If those expensive products do not provide you with a solution, then try these cheap but better and environmentally friendly options to clean your kitchen, kitchen countertops and appliances.

 रसोई के स्टोव और काउंटरटॉप्स को साफ करना बहुत मुश्किल है और जिद्दी ग्रीस और उसमें चिपके हुए खाद्य कणों को हटाना मुश्किल होता है। आप अपने किचन को साफ करने के लिए कुछ महंगे उत्पाद खरीदने के लिए जो पैसा खर्च करते हैं और आशा करते हैं कि उत्पाद आपके किचन को साफ करने में आसान बना देगा और आपके किचन उपकरणों से उन जिद्दी ग्रीस और खाद्य कणों को हटा देगा। यदि वे महंगे उत्पाद आपको समाधान प्रदान नहीं करते हैं, तो अपने किचन, किचन काउंटरटॉप्स और उपकरणों को साफ करने के लिए इन सस्ते लेकिन बेहतर और पर्यावरण के अनुकूल विकल्पों को आजमाएं।

Kitchen Cleaning Tip 1

To clean the mixer jar, fill half the jar with luckwarm water and add 1/2 teaspoon dishwashing gel and let the mixture run for a few seconds. Now wash the jar with tap water. The jar will be clean as new. This method will make it a hassle free cleaning.

मिक्सी के जार को साफ करने के लिए आधा जार गर्म पानी से भरें और उसमें 1/2 छोटा चम्मच डिशवॉशिंग जेल डालें और मिक्सी को कुछ सेकंड के लिए चलाएं। अब जार को नल के पानी से धो लें। जार नए जैसा साफ हो जाएगा। यह विधि इसे परेशानी मुक्त सफाई बना देगी।


Kitchen Cleaning Tip 2

Use nail paint remover wipes to clean the electric switch board, which will make it easier to clean the switch and board, but make sure the main switch is off before starting the cleaning otherwise it may cause an accident .

इलेक्ट्रिक स्विच बोर्ड को साफ करने के लिए नेल पेंट रिमूवर वाइप्स का उपयोग करें, जिससे स्विच और बोर्ड को साफ करना आसान हो जाएगा, लेकिन सफाई शुरू करने से पहले यह सुनिश्चित कर लें कि मेन स्विच बंद है अन्यथा यह दुर्घटना का कारण बन सकता है। 

Kitchen Cleaning Tip 3

Spread a cotton cloth under the basket of the vessel before placing the washed vessel in the basket. This way the water will not spill over your countertop and will keep your countertop clean and save your work and time to clean the countertop.

धुले हुए बर्तन को टोकरी में रखने से पहले बर्तन की टोकरी के नीचे एक सूती कपड़ा बिछा दें। इस तरह पानी आपके काउंटरटॉप पर नहीं फैलेगा और आपके काउंटरटॉप को साफ रखेगा और काउंटरटॉप को साफ करने के लिए आपके काम और समय की बचत करेगा। 

Kitchen Cleaning Tip 4

After cooking, clean the gas stove and the surrounding work place, this will avoid the cockroaches and ants in your kitchen. Clean the tiles behind the gas stove, otherwise the tile will become sticky in a few days. Also clean the countertop under the gas stove. This practice will stop cockroaches and ants in your kitchen.

खाना पकाने के बाद गैस स्टोव और आसपास के कार्यस्थल को साफ करें, इससे आपकी रसोई में तिलचट्टे और चीटियां नहीं आएंगी। गैस स्टोव के पीछे की टाइलों को साफ कर लें, नहीं तो कुछ ही दिनों में टाइल चिपचिपी हो जाएगी। गैस स्टोव के नीचे काउंटरटॉप को भी साफ करें। यह अभ्यास आपकी रसोई में तिलचट्टे और चींटियों को रोक देगा।


Kitchen Cleaning Tip 5

Apply a little toothpaste to the scrubber and clean your kitchen sink with it, just scrub your kitchen sink with it and clean it with water, it will brighten your sink, clean the sink once a week, your kitchen sink will always be bright.

स्क्रबर पर थोड़ा सा टूथपेस्ट लगाएं और इससे अपना किचन सिंक साफ करें, बस इससे किचन सिंक को स्क्रब करें और पानी से साफ करें, इससे आपका सिंक चमकेगा, हफ्ते में एक बार सिंक को साफ करें, आपका किचन सिंक हमेशा चमकदार रहेगा।


Kitchen Cleaning Tip 6

To make the glass crockery clean and shiny, take lukewarm water in a large bowl and add 5-6 tablespoons of white vinegar. Dip the glass crockery in this water, clean it with tap water and wipe it with a cloth. Your glass crockery will become clean and shiny.

 कांच के क्रॉकरी को साफ और चमकदार बनाने के लिए एक बड़े कटोरे में गुनगुना पानी लें और उसमें 5-6 बड़े चम्मच सफेद सिरका मिलाएं। कांच के क्रॉकरी को इस पानी में डुबोएं, नल के पानी से साफ करें और कपड़े से पोंछ लें। आपकी कांच की क्रॉकरी साफ और चमकदार हो जाएगी।


Kitchen Cleaning Tip 7

Baking soda is an inexpensive but efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly cleaner for your gas stove and other kitchen appliances. Replace your traditional cleaner "which contains hazardous chemicals and has an unpleasant odor" with baking soda, and you certainly won't regret it.

बेकिंग सोडा आपके गैस स्टोव और अन्य रसोई उपकरणों के लिए एक सस्ता लेकिन कुशल, विश्वसनीय और पर्यावरण के अनुकूल क्लीनर है। बेकिंग सोडा के साथ अपने पारंपरिक क्लीनर "जिसमें खतरनाक रसायन होते हैं और एक अप्रिय गंध है" को बदलें, और आपको निश्चित रूप से इसका पछतावा नहीं होगा।


Kitchen Cleaning Tip 8

Microwave is an essential appliance for our kitchen nowadays, and it should always be clean, to clean the microwave, take a bowl and fill water in it, put some lemon pieces and put in inside the microwave to heat it, let the steam start and Allow it to spread on the inner walls of the microwave. This will clean the dirty walls easily, wipe it with a clean cotton cloth for easy cleaning.

माइक्रोवेव आजकल हमारी रसोई के लिए एक आवश्यक उपकरण है, और यह हमेशा साफ होना चाहिए, माइक्रोवेव को साफ करने के लिए, एक कटोरा लें और उसमें पानी भरें, कुछ नींबू के टुकड़े डालें और इसे गर्म करने के लिए माइक्रोवेव के अंदर रखें, भाप शुरू होने दें और इसे माइक्रोवेव की भीतरी दीवारों पर फैलने दें। इससे गंदी दीवारें आसानी से साफ हो जाएंगी, आसानी से साफ करने के लिए साफ सूती कपड़े से पोंछ लें।


Kitchen Cleaning Tip 9

To clean the microwave the other way, take 2 cups of water in a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and 2-3 drops essential oil to mask the smell of vinegar. Place the bowl in the microwave and run for 5 minutes on high. After 5 minutes, when the microwave is turned off, let the microwave door close, leave the bowl inside for another 2 to 3 minutes so that the steam can do its work. Now take out the bowl carefully and wipe the microwave with a clean cotton cloth. Your microwave is clean with a good aroma.

माइक्रोवेव को दूसरे तरीके से साफ करने के लिए एक बड़े कटोरे में 2 कप पानी लें, उसमें 2 बड़े चम्मच सफेद सिरका और 2-3 बूंद एसेंशियल ऑयल मिलाएं जिससे सिरके की गंध खत्म हो जाए। कटोरे को माइक्रोवेव में रखें और 5 मिनट के लिए चलाएं। 5 मिनिट बाद जब माइक्रोवेव बंद हो जाए तो माइक्रोवेव का दरवाजा बंद रहने दें, कटोरे को और 2 से 3 मिनट के लिए अंदर ही रहने दें ताकि भाप अपना काम कर सके. अब कटोरे को सावधानी से बाहर निकालें और एक साफ सूती कपड़े से माइक्रोवेव को पोंछ लें। आपका माइक्रोवेव अच्छी सुगंध के साथ साफ है।


Kitchen Cleaning Tip 10

You can clean your cutting board with lemon. Cut one lemon in half, then sprinkle a little salt on your cutting board. Scrub the board with that half lemon (with the cut side facing down). This will make your cutting board fresh and clean.

आप अपने कटिंग बोर्ड को नींबू से साफ कर सकते हैं। एक नींबू को आधा काट लें, फिर अपने कटिंग बोर्ड पर थोड़ा सा नमक छिड़कें। उस आधे नींबू से बोर्ड को स्क्रब करें (काटे हुए हिस्से को नीचे की ओर करके)। इससे आपका कटिंग बोर्ड फ्रेश और साफ हो जाएगा।

Vegetarian Dinner Recipes | Special Dinner Recipes | Dinner Recipes

Vegetarian Dinner Recipes

Fill your eating plate with health and taste with vegetarian food and enjoy dinner with your family. We are sharing some delicious vegetarian recipes for dinner from our collection.

Jeera Aloo

Delicious sabzi Jeera aloo is a which is not only delicious but also easy to make potato sabzi. Jeera Aloo is the name for cumin and potato, cumin is jeera and potato is aloo, potato is cooked with cumin to make delicious jeera aloo. Even a novice can easily make this simple and delicious dish jeera aloo at home. You can eat jeera aloo with dal and chapati for dinner. To cook this delicious dish cumin aloo with some Indian traditional spices, the dish requires only cumin and potatoes as its main ingredients. Get the detailed recipe of Jeera Aloo at MyDelicious Recipes

Soya Keema Matar

Soya Keema Mater is a delicious dish, which is not only delicious but also a healthy vegetarian dish of soya granules and green peas with some aromatic Indian spices. Healthy and delicious Soya Keema Mater can be easily made at home which can be served at lunch or dinner, children love the dish in their lunchboxes. Delicious side food can be served with rice or roti. To make Soya Chunks, you need minced Soya Chunks, for that soak the Soya Chunks in water, then grind those Soya Chunks in a grinder, then cook the Mince Soya Chunks with green peas and aromatic spices. Enjoy Soya Keema Mater at lunch or dinner with Lunch Paratha,  roti or rice along with Raita. Get the detailed recipe of Soya Keema Mater at MyDelicious Recipes

Besan Chilla Curry

Besan chilla or pancakes of besan (gram flour) is very famous in North India and when you make sabzi by using this pancake or chilla is finger licking curry dish and much famous in North India. This vegetarian curry is not only delicious, but a gluten-free healthy and easy to make curry dish. Since chilla is made with besan (gram flour or chickpea flour), it is healthy and also good for diabetics.

Chilla curry is famous as chilade ki sabzi 
In Punjabi society, to make this delicious dish, first we have to make pancake of gram flour and then cook it with onion tomato curry. Besan chilla can be eaten even without curry. You can make Besan Chila Curry in Punjabi style by cooking Besan Chila in a thin gravy of onion and tomato. You can enjoy this delicious dish with parathas, chapattis or steamed rice. Get the detailed recipe of Besan Chila Curry at MyDelicious Recipes

Onion Masala / Pyaz Ki Sabzi

Pyaz Ki Sabzi or onion masala is a very tasty and popular dish of Rajasthan, to make this delicious Pyaz Ki Sabzi whole onion and cooked in a different way. This dish is also famous as stuffed onion or onion masala and this pyaz ki sabzi is very tasty. When the food does not give much flavor during the summer season, you must try this delicious Rajasthani dish Onion Masala, the dish will not only gives a delicious taste to your taste-buds but will also protect you from the scorching heat of summer. The pyaz ki sabzi not only fills your mouth with flavor, but this dish can be easily made at home. You can serve dish with rice or roti with boondi raita at dinner or lunch. Get the detailed recipe of Besan Chila Curry at MyDelicious Recipes

Vegetable Biryani

Vegetable Biryani is an aromatic delicious dish, can be easily made with rice and some mix vegetables, spices and herbs. biryani Traditionally is a non-veg dish and made with dum process cooking using basmati rice, meat (mutton or Chicken) and some aromatic spices. Instead of non-veg biryani, Veg biryani is much simple and easy to make than non-veg biryani as vegetables are used in place of meat to make the delicious biryani which easy to cook and does not required marination. Everyone loves veg biryani especially children, they are happy to see the delicious veg biryani in their lunchbox. Get the detailed recipe of vegetable biryani at MyDelicious Recipes

Shahi Paneer

Shahi Paneer is a delicious dish that contains soft paneer in thick creamy greavy, which is very famous in India. The word Shahi referred to royal and the dish Shahi Paneer according to its name gives  royal taste which is made of paneer, nuts, onion, cream and spices. Shahi Paneer is delicious dish which is much popular throughout India, you can make the dish with many different ingredients in different ways. Kewra is the main ingredient to give a nice aroma and make the dish royal. Get the detailed recipe of shahi paneer at MyDelicious Recipes

Palak Paneer

Palak Paneer is a mouth watering dish of India, that contains soft paneer in a smooth thick gravy of spinach and cook with some aromatic Indian spices including ginger and garlic. The Palak Paneer is so delicious that no one can refuse to eat this delicious dish. You will find the dish palak paneer in the menu of almost all Indian restaurants and hotels. You can enjoy delicious Palak paneer in your lunch or dinner with chapatti, rice, butter naan or paratha. Get the detailed recipe of palak paneer at MyDelicious Recipes

Navratan Pulao

Navratan Pulao is a very tasty and attractive rice dish made of basmati rice, various vegetables and some dry fruits. It is so tempting and delicious that it creates a special place at parties or functions for special occasions. Everyone likes to eat Navratan pulao at the party. Navratan pulao can easily be made at home with basmati rice, paneer, peas, cauliflower, potatoes, carrots and some dry fruits. Navratna pulao prepared at your home will definitely be liked by your guest. Navratan Pulao is a rich food that keeps you energized for a long time and keeps your stomach full. Get the detailed recipe of navratan pulao at MyDelicious Recipes

Punjabi Dum Aloo

Dum Aloo is the most favorite and delicious dish made from baby potato. Dum Aloo is made in different style in different communities like Kashmiri Dum Aloo, Punjabi Dum Aloo etc. While Dum Aloo is known as Punjabi Dum Aloo in Punjabi style, it is the most famous Dum Aloo in North India. It is very tasty and it is easy to cook at home, you can easily make the delicious dish with in a very short period of time, when some guests suddenly come to your house. To make delicious Punjabi Dum Aloo all you need is baby potato and yogurt as main ingredients. Get the detailed recipe of punjabi dum aloo at MyDelicious Recipes

Dal Fry

Dal fry is the most famous and delicious dish, which is very popular all over India and is made by cooking lentils with some Indian spices. There are many different recipes for making delicious dal fry. Dal fry is a basic dish of India that can be made with a mixture of various pulses such as arhar ki dal, moong dal, chana dal and masoor dal. Dal fry is very simple, fragrant, tasty and healthy. It is so easy to make dal fry that even a novice can easily make dal fry at home. Dal fry requires very few ingredients to cook, which is always available in all Indian kitchens. Dal fry is eaten mostly in lunch or dinner with plain rice or chapati. At the parties every guest likes to eat delicious dal fry with basmati rice. Get the detailed recipe of dal fry at MyDelicious Recipes

Malai Kofta

Malai Kofta is one of the most popular, pure vegetarian Indian dishes made with deep-fried roll or ball which is made of mixture of cottage cheese and potatoes and then dipped in a fresh milk cream smooth gravy. Cream of fresh milk is known as malai and deep-fried rolls or balls made from a mixture of paneer and potatoes are called kofta. So Malai Kofta is a dish in which deep-fried Koftas are immersed in a smooth cream gravy. To make the koftas, first boil the potatoes and mash them, mixing them with the mashed paneer and spices, make small balls of that mixture and deep fry them to make koftas. These koftas are then dipped in smooth gravy based on milk cream, onion and tomato. Get the detailed recipe of malai kofta at MyDelicious Recipes

Indian Vegetarian recipes

Best Indian Vegetarian Recipes

Indian food is famous not only in India but around the world. Indian cuisine uses aromatic spices that make food tasty and healthy. We are excited to share our collection of vegetarian Indian dishes with the world. Every recipe we are sharing from our collection is full of taste and health.

Paneer Makhani

Many delicious dishes are made from paneer and Paneer Makhani is one of those delicious and popular paneer dishes. Paneer Makhani is a very tasty dish made of paneer with a creamy tomato gravy. To make the delicious and healthy Paneer Makhani, the soft paneer is cooked in a spicy and thick gravy with cream, tomatoes, onions, butter, cashews and spices. Enjoy delicious paneer makhani with laccha paratha or rice in your lunch or dinner. Get the detailed recipe of paneer makhani at MyDelicious Recipes

Paneer Butter Masala

Paneer Butter Masala is another delicious and most popular dish of India especially in Punjab. Paneer butter masala has thick, spicy and creamy gravy makes the dish more delicious. The delicious paneer butte masala can be enjoyed either with tandoori roti, butter naan or rice. Get the detailed recipe of paneer butter masala at MyDelicious Recipes

Soya Keema Matar

Keema Matar sounds like a non-veg dish, but soya keema matar is a tasty vegetarian and healthy dish, made of using soya granules or minced soya chunks with green peas and some Indian traditional aromatic spices. The dish is not only very easy to make but also very tasty and healthy, which we can enjoy in the lunch or dinner. Delicious dish Soya Matar Keema is a great side food that can be served with rice or roti. Delicious soya keema Matar can be easily made at home, first soak the soya chunks or granules in hot water, then grind them in a mixer to get the minced soy, then cook this keema soya with peas and spices. Get the detailed recipe of Soya Keema Matar at MyDelicious Recipes

Bhindi Do Pyaza

Bhindi is also known with the name okra or ladyfinger and is liked by all. Bhindi can be made with different ingredients in different styles, if the bhindi is cooked with onions the taste is divine and no one can refuse to eat. Bhindi do pyaza is a delicious and spicy dish of this category, which is made of fried ladyfinger with onions. Since onion is used more in this recipe than in other common dishes. Some onions are used in the dish, finely chopped and some are diced in them. A good amount of onion with tomatoes and spices makes the ladyfinger more delicious than other dishes of ladyfinger. Get the detailed recipe of Bhindi Do Pyaza at MyDelicious Recipes

Rajma Curry

Kidney beans or Rajma are rich sources of protein, Rajma curry is the most famous and delicious dish in India. The dish can be enjoyed with either plain roti, parantha or stemmed rice but mostly steamed rice is eaten with rajma curry, a staple food called "rajma rice" for dinner or lunch Is most famous. To make delicious Rajma curry, kidney beans must be soaked overnight in water and then cooked with aromatic Indian spices which are easily available in all Indian kitchens. Get the detailed recipe of Rajma Curry at MyDelicious Recipes

Punjabi Dum Aloo

Dum Aloo is one of the most famous and delicious dishes of India. punjabi dum aloo is the delicious Punjabi style dum aloo and the most famous dum aloo in North India. The delicious dish can be easily made at home, your guests will definitely enjoy the dish at home party and you do not need much time for cooking and vegetables, only you need to cook delicious Punjabi Dum Aloo, baby Potatoes and yogurt as its main ingredients. Get the detailed recipe of punjabi dum aloo at MyDelicious Recipes

Dal Fry

Dal Fry is a very popular and delicious Indian dish, which is made by mixing lentils with spices. There are many recipes to make delicious dal fry. Dal fry is usually made with a mixture of arhar dal, moong dal, chana dal and masoor dal. Dal Fry is so tasty and healthy and cooking Dal Fry is so easy and comfortable that anyone can make it easily at home. The delicious dal fry requires very few ingredients, which is easily available in Indian kitchens. Dal fry is usually enjoyed in the lunch or dinner with plain rice or roti. Most people like to eat delicious Dal Fry with rice at parties. Get the detailed recipe of dal fry at MyDelicious Recipes

Chana Masala

Chana masala, chole masala or punjabi chole is a delicious dish made of chickpeas, which is very famous all over India especially in Punjab. It is a spicy and delicious curry dish made of white chickpeas (kabuli chana), tomatoes, onions with some aromatic Indian spices, especially amla (gooseberry) and chana masala. The delicious chana masala is mostly served with bhature or you can also enjoy with plain rice or chapati at lunch or dinner. White Chickpeas is boiled with amla (gooseberry) and tea powder to give the dish a special color and flavor to make delicious chana masala. Get the detailed recipe of chana Masala at MyDelicious Recipes


Bhatura is an Indian puffed bread, made from maida (refined flour), which is always eaten with chole masala (chickpeas). It is an Indian bread deep fried and is a pure vegetarian dish made from fermented maida (refined flour). You can make puffed bhatura at your home and enjoy this delicious bhatura with chana masala, sweet lassi and onion salad at lunch or dinner. Get the detailed recipe of chana Masala at MyDelicious Recipes

Malai Kofta

Malai Kofta is the most popular pure vegetarian and delicious Indian dish, made with a mixture of potato and cheese. To make the delicious Malai Kofta, the kofta is made from a mixture of deep fry potatoes and cheese in the shape of balls or rolls and dipped in thick, smooth, fresh milk cream gravy. The cream stands for the fresh milk cream and is a kofta ball or roll shaped deep fried potato and cheese mixture. So the dish is called Malai Kofta, in which the softened Kofta is dipped in a gravy of smooth milk cream. Enjoy soft and delicious malai kofta with steamed rice, plain paratha or rice. Get the detailed recipe of chana Masala at MyDelicious Recipes